Wednesday, December 30, 2009
cAn't brEathe
Saturday, December 26, 2009
i deciDe
Sunday, December 13, 2009
uR waRm emBrace

i beLieVe
Dear Lord..
i believe there will be a miracle
i'm waiting for it.
Pls don ever let me go.
i need u so much.
pls be here to carry me on ur back when i cry
pls be here to sing a song to me, when i'm sad
pls raise me even though i feel like giving up.
everything that u r making me go through
i know its ur will
i will not murmur even though every step i'm taking is breaking my heart
every step seperates me from the love of life
the love of my life that will never love me again
making me a finer gold.
The fire burns, the pain, the broken heart
forces tears to flow even though i'm unwilling
only u understand,
pls take my hand
to walk every step of my path with bravery
Saturday, December 12, 2009

Tuesday, December 8, 2009
hAppilY nEver aFter (nicole)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009
i deCideD~

Sunday, November 22, 2009
i WanNa bE wiTh U
Friday, November 13, 2009
HE liStenEd

Thursday, November 5, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
hOld 0n sTroNgeR~
Friday, October 30, 2009

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
fOot pRintS in tHe sAnd..
Monday, October 12, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
aCcorDing t0 u~
Monday, October 5, 2009
i cAn maKe iT thRougH tHe rAin!!!

when u get caught in the rain,
with no where to run,
when u're distraught and in pain without anyone,
when u keep crying out to be save,
and nobody comes.
and u feel so far away,
that u jus cant find ur way home,
you can get there alone,
its ok what u say is,
i can make it through the rain,
i can stand up once again,
on my own,
and i know that i'm strong enough to mend
and everytime i feel afraid i hold tighter to my faith,
and i live one more day, i can make it through the rain
and if u keep falling down, don u dare give in
u will arise safe and sound,
so keep pressing on steadfastly,
and you'll find wat u need to prevail
wat u say is,
i can make it through the rain,
i can stand up once again,
on my own,
and i know that i'm strong enough to mend,
and everytime i feel afraid,
i hold tighter to my faith,
and i live one more day,
i can make it through the rain,
and when the rain blows, and shadow grow close,
don be afraid,there is nothing u cant face,
and should they tell u,u'll never pull through,
don hesitate,stand tall and say
i can make it through the rain,
i can stand up once again,
on my own,
and i know, that i'm strong enough to mend,
and everytime i feel afraid i hold tighter to my faith,
and i live one more day, i can make it through the rain.
i can make it throough the rain,
as i live once again,
and i live one more day,
i can make it through the rain,
you gonna make it through the rain.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
aPple , honEy

Friday, September 18, 2009
fEelinGs f0r U..
Ur power, ur love, ur fairness, ur heart, ur strenght, ur EVERYTHING.
makes me feel that i'm such a lucky person to chosen.
Its a gift..a bonus from heaven.
I might be just a tiny sand to u
but u still love me though.
Yesterday, i told my fren about u
and how science has proven ur exixtence
makes me feel glad and happy from inside out.
Thank U LORD for being by me all the time.
Sometimes life is smooth and sometimes its full of holes, causes me to fall.
But u make it with a purpose to refine me into a purer Gold.
Thank U is the simplest word to describe my feeling now.
I pray in my deepest heart that i will never ever leave u,
and if someday i do..pls don ever let go of my tiny and fragile hands.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
f0rGet tHe Past aNd waLk t0waRds fuTurE

my bro advised me to stop being so stubborn head.
And also wat Ah wei told about love of GOD for us.
And i think through it and i guess i shd change
to make myself be a happier person.
forgeting the past and walk towards the future.
forget all the unhappy incidents
and only rmb those that were happy.
Maybe it might be hard for me at first
but i guess i am able to do it.
May God help me.
May He be with me always as i need him.
Prayer really helps me alot.
May happiness be with u all and also myself.
Thank God :)
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
i really wish

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Dear Lord, I need your hands to lift me up from this pain.
Please show me the path i should take to continue my journey of life.
Are u there stading by my side, LORD ?
Please help me.
i"m in great trouble and dilemma.
I feel like i'm in the dark searching for help.
And i'm afraird that God will not help.
I need you to be there for me Oh Lord.
Please.. i really need you God.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
teArs of My heArt
Sometimes i really feel like leaving this world and join God
leaving this world might not a bad suggestion.
i have been trying so hard to fit in,
giving and forgiving,
trying to do my best,
trying to be myself,
trying to adapt,
trying to improve,
wanted happiness,
wanted love,
wanted the sense of belonging,
wanted to be pampered,
thinking how to be better in person and in everything.
but i get nothing in return.
everything is vanity.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
tHe BegiNinG.
when i receive comment from peoples.
Saying i did last minute work
and i don really care bout my assignment.
i don blame them becoz i admit
i did last min work but i did finish it.
and i care about my assignment.
i had changed but u doesn't seem to acknowledge it..
i accept the criticism with open heart
and made amendments on my own working style.
but on the other hand, u doubt and
judge my capability after changing myself to adapt.
doubting and judging my ability really hurts me
and make me really mad.
this matter really disappoint me
i really don understand what make u doubt
and why u doubt my ability.
but i jus wanna say..
no one has the right's to judge and
question another person's capability in doing their job.
this is becoz u never know how good they r
b4 they do the work properly.
and u r are not qualified enough to judge
becoz u r not the boss.
I was sad and hurt b4 this
but now i understand that,
life do goes up and down.
in life it is a definite that some people likes u
and some don.
I don know why...
but i choose to think positive now.
maybe they r jus jealous or jus don like me.
or maybe some other reasons.

Thursday, August 13, 2009
When u have it u will feel very happy.
When u lose it u will feel very sad.
When u r trying to adapt of losing it,
Only u yourself can help yourself.
Love is like drug..
U will get addicted to it.
May GOD strengthen those is trying to adapt of losing love.
Help ME, and everyone who need it.

Thursday, August 6, 2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
thE cliMb.

every move i make feels lost with no direction,
my faith is shackin,
but i, i gotta keep tryin,
gotta keep my head held high.
the struggles i'm facing,
the chances i'm taking,
Sometimes might knock me down but,
NO i'm not breaking,
i may not know it,
but these are the moments that,
I'm gonna remember most,
jus gotta keep going,
and i, i gotta be strong,
jus keep pushing on..
Monday, August 3, 2009
i wAs wRonG
i'lL kEep taT in mInd
you said that we have nothing in between.
that very moment,tears grow in my eyes.
but i hold back..even the phrase aches my heart deep.
its the fact that i cant accept these years.
and i finally heard from his mouth..
i'll remind myself every time when i wanna do something with, to and for u
i'll refrain myself..and u have to do the same to lessen the pain in the future.
i understand love cant be force..
i'll leave bit by bit.

i hope 2010 may comes soon..
Friday, July 31, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
THank GoD..
Monday, July 20, 2009
feD uP and diSsapointed!!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Appreciated and Loved

w0rds aS shaRp as kNife.

Thursday, June 18, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
leArn mY leSson..
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
shut uP!!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
tHank GOD
Thank god i have all my crazy and good frens.
Thank god i learned to love someone with all my heart.
Thank god i was hurt by ppl to make me grow.
Thank god for showing me the reality of human nature that is.. f*&%king selfish ppl
Thank god i'm not his gf or wife
coz thinking back he is jus a person who only thinks for himself
and never care for other ppls feeling.
Thank god that he hurts me till i cry coz
he, making me cry is indirectly telling me that he don love me.
And that is the answer i wanted long ago...
Thank god...

Monday, May 25, 2009
nEveR lo0k bacK.

Thursday, May 21, 2009
afteR thE teAr dr0ps oF heAven.

i haD d0ne the corRect deciSion.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009
leArn a leSson..

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
why?? i nEveR unDerstaNd..