Monday, January 18, 2010

bRain and HeArt

brain is where u think always logically,

analysing which is best to be done

which choice is the correct, best and wise for ourselves

brain always chooses to love ourselves more that others

the choice that a brain does, may not make u happy

but u will definately let u survive well in this complicated world

the brain gives the heart sight,

but the heart gives the brain the vision

heart is where u hardly think but feel with

always choosing wat make us happy

loving and caring others without hoping anything back

heart always chooses to do foolish things sincerely

a brain does not

heart always chooses to do the best

a brain always ask us to be lazy

the heart always hold the anwser the brain refuses to see

a heart believe wat ur brain does not

the best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touch

they must be felt with ur heart,

heart has reasons that reasons does not understand.

so people, have a strong brain but a soft heart

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