i have so much to say so much that could not be utter i pray your love to be shower upon this little princess please hold on to my hand once again i promise I will not let go of yours. the road ahead is unpredictable i dono what will happen tomorrow not even the next second but i have faith that you will be with me every second
people leave and give up because it's easier to walk away
than you fight for what they really want
but you have chosen to stay and fight this battle with me
Thank you
Loves sincere ppl but hate fakers..I'm serious outside, crazy inside.i love looking up the sky no matter day or night to appreciate His wonderful creation.Wan to be loved and to love.i have a heart full of hopes and dreams.I may look hard and strong outside but i'm soft and lovable inside.Hate promise breaker and big fat sweet talkers.and I'm geTTing toughEr :)