Friday, July 22, 2011

oNce i hOpe U dID hOld oN

there were once i hope you could hold on to me tight
at tat moment you chose to let go of my hand and my heart
but i know I'm still the lucky one to have someone tat love me all my heart
I'm his child.
I thank him.
this is the song he sang to me once when all I can do is to cry myself to sleep
He was right
Hold on to me,
I promise you it'll be alright.
he kept his Promise.
Thank you. I love you dearly

i'M soRry

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Friday, July 15, 2011


time passes fast

the busy-ness blinded me

making me feel numb

when I slow down

and stop

I feel like I'm living someone elses life

I missed talking to you everynight

I'm sorry

I'm coming home to you

Thursday, July 14, 2011


sometimes we dream

dream to this have this ideal lover

tall, sweet, caring, cute and etc

we dream to have this sweet sweet relationship

but love is never far from reality either

it still hurts, it still breaks a heart

it still cuts like a freaking butter knife

but all this make it real

love is never love if there is only sweet and happy

in reality its sweet, bitter, sour and spicy

a love i would want coz its real :)