wat is love to u? to me
LOVE represents
SADNESS.its really hard to express with words.love can also colours of life.it can bring happiness to anyone.but sometimes it bring sadness and pain. with it, u would be laughing with u are with the person u love together but with it u can also be in pain,crying( heartache) when the person u love is no longer yours or around.It is the most important thing in my life. without love my life i would consider my life is empty and meaningless. loVe from God,parents, family, frens and my bf(i don know i have anot. ahA) they all are my precious stone.loVe to me also is about being selfless. to think of others first then only myself, giving the best to them, to protect, to keep them smiling, to care, to be there, to appreciate and only you in my eyes not me. seeing them happy make u feel happy.
One of the example is my mum.my mum would rather suffer all by herself. she rather sleep less to clean the house while her kids were sleeping so that they can sleep more..it might not a big one.but every bit of love counts.i know she loves us.i believe every mother in this world love thier child.
Another example.
Jesus. He is loVe.teaching us to love.wat ever he did, is out of loVe. being betrayed by his love one, being so lonely even god does not wan him,weeping in tears of nothing but only sadness, baring the pain of roman torture, being mocked and spit by his own people, being force to wear the crown of torns, baring the cross, being nail all alone.for who?for wat? for us..he could have been sitting on his throne in heaven being the king.he does not need to suffer so much but why he came to earth to suffer?have ever u ponder?only one word
but i slowly realise love in this world is changing.love is growing cold.people are getting more and more heartless. killing without blinking their eyes, raping jus like its an entertainment, hurting jus like having fun, betraying ur fren like it's a good deed.why is the love becoming this? how is ur love? i know some ppl might think that i'm innocent and simple. but ask yourself. why make it complicate when it can be as simple as that.