On the 20th, i went ot mentakap with Adrain's group that sat.eN and me was the RE teacher for that week but we idealess what to teach. We reach there earlier than we thought.So we end up waiting coz too early. Then eN and me went straight up to the RE classroom to discuss what to teach lo. After that we plan to teach them to do an aRtw0rk(making TuTu!!! train) and to teach them The 10 Commandments of GoD.

There were 4 kids. 1 indian boy and the other 3 are siblings. So we taught them and we ask them to write down on a colour paper to stick it on the wall of the classroom. But the indian boy does not know how to speck other languages only his mother tougue. The kids told me that..so it was a bit hard to communicate with him.Indian children in Mentakap can just simply run everywhere without the parents knowlegde the whole day.thier parents won't be worry at all. So most of the weekend the indian boy will come our church to attend the RE class.
that day was the first them i meet him and from that very moment I can feel the LOVE of GoD woRk in miraculous ways. Other kids there don't really like him becoz he is naughtier.He comes every weekend even thought he don know how to communicate with other kids and other people. Don't you think there is something that bring him here?? In my opinion i think it's the love of GoD. The love of God bring him here. Something that u can feel but can't really descirbe it.
We also did the artwork... The tUtU!! train...every kid did one.. eN and i stick them all on the wall too (as deco)..linking the train together shows togetherness and L.O.V.E. every train has the makers name on it... The indian boy did 1 too but he didn't write his name on it. So i ask for his name.
evon: apa name u?
indian boy: shaking head..
evon: u sure tahu nama punya.
indian boy: KHANMPQ( trying to spell it to me, but don't know)
evon: Ini tak mungkin nama awak.( the other kids laugh at him) pity him
indian boy: ran away..
evon: hey, pergi mana!?!?
after 10 min..He came back with a piece of paper and gave me. i look and i smile at him.It was his name..he went back home to ask the spelling of his name from his parents.i was suprise..it was something i never thought he wil do. So i write in nicely on the train he make. and link it with the others trains..